Organic? Non-organic? GMO? non-GMO?
Is it really worth it? How do you prioritize your budget if you do want to purchase fruits and vegetables that are organic? The Environmental Working Group (EWG) has done the homework and will help you make more informed decisions on your next shopping trip. The articles below are links to the EWG website with some great resources. We have also attached the EWG's 2022 Shopper's Guide to Pesticides in Produce and a quick guide that you can print to keep in your wallet, the car, or your reusable shopping bag as a reference.
Eat Empowered - Sunday Seedlings Podcast
Eat Empowered - Sunday Seedlings YouTube Video
Our goal is not to scare or alarm you with this information. We only want to ensure that you have the knowledge you need to make wise decisions for your family. There are many, many products today that are labeled "organic" but it might not be worth your investment. The resources below will help to guide you to consider where it may be better for your family's health to explore organic options.
The Dirty Dozen is a phrase that refers to 12 “dirty” crops on which farmers use the most pesticides. The Clean Fifteen refers to fifteen crops that use the least amount of pesticides.
What are the dirty dozen?
And there’s a clean 15 too??