The REACHN Team was in the house at the Breidenthal Club whipping up some healthy smoothies! It was an afternoon full of laughter and fun for all.
We kicked off the afternoon with two non-dairy smoothie recipes from Perfectly Pl@nted:
Pear and Celery Smoothie
Berry Banana Cauliflower Smoothie
It was 50:50 in terms of which was the favorite. And no one even noticed the cauliflower :)
As we progressed into early evening and supplies started to dwindle, we had to get creative. The final smoothie option was a Beet and Cherry blend. Ok, so we mixed in some spinach too. You can't go wrong with smoothies!!
We didn't have time to set up the official Smoothie Bar or Mylk Bar sign, but we did have a chance to share some non-dairy milks with the group. The smoothies were made with Oat Milk or Soy Milk. We also had a soy milk tasting event that was a hit. Now that the US Dietary Guidelines recognize soy milk as a nutritional equivalent to dairy milk, and the kids enjoy drinking it, and it does not cause any GI symptoms, maybe, just maybe the USDA will also make soy milk readily available at public schools and community organizations AND fully reimbursable.
Ok, I digress. Back to smoothies.
What's your favorite smoothie? Please feel free to share the recipe or a link to the recipe in the comments section below.
Many thanks to Mr. Kevin and the other leaders at the Breidenthal Club for supporting this event. Without your leadership and engagement events like these would not be possible.
Perfectly Pl@nted is a proud supporter of the REACHN program.